Accounting services

Accounting services

The company "ABC Consulting" offers complete accounting support. The work is carried out on the basis of the contract, where the following details are clearly stated:

  • Start of service;
  • Term of the agreement;
  • Rights and obligations of each party;
  • Features of execution of the work (developed documents, deadlines for the creation of reports and payment documents);
  • Terms of payment and penalties for non-compliance;
  • Responsibility of the client and the contractor.

Also, the contract stipulates the list of services that a consulting company must perform. To add new services into the list, additional agreements must be concluded.

Provision of services to companies in different levels
We work with individual entrepreneurs (IE), micro and small-sized businesses. Micro businesses include companies with a staff of up to 10 people and small-sized businesses to an average of 11 to 50 people. Provision of consultation on taxation and other areas will not affect the increase in the cost of accounting services.

List of services offered

  • Working out the initial documents and entering them in the database of the accounting software (the software has been adapted to the laws if Azerbaijan Republic and presented to our clients);
  • Preparation of bank and cash desk (cash receipt and expenditure order) payment documents;
  • Calculation of salaries of the employees;
  • Preparation of the payrolls;
  • Preparation and sending of all kind of documents, declarations, reports for the Ministry of Taxes in BTP software (monthly, quarterly, annual) (Profit tax, Income Tax, Simplified tax, Hired Labor tax, Property, VAT, Withholding Tax, Tax deducted from the salary);
  • Preparation and sending of declarations for State Social Protection Fund;
  • Calculation of sick list, social and labor vacations;
  • Preparation and sending of reports for the State Statistics Committee;
  • Preparation and sending of reports for the employment centers (monthly, quarterly, annual);
  • Preparation and sending of Tax Invoices (for VAT payers);
  • Preparation and sending of electronic invoices;
  • Conduct of settlements in the sub-accounts with VAT;
  • Execution of the relevant works connected with the ASAN signature;
  • Preparation of the tender documents for the entities taking part in the tender;
  • Preparation of the balance sheet of the entity;
  • Preparation of annual declarations;
  • Preparation of various reports for the management;
  • Compiling of reports and submission of them to the state authorities.

The listed and other services are provided by our specialists. The order is carried out on the site or by phone of the manager.

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