Site administration (hereinafter " administration»)
Full person or persons appointed by MD Low and participating in the management of the site.
The administration shall organize or carry out the establishment and processing of the composition of personal data in need of processing.
«Personal data»
"Personal data" means any information that is directly or indirectly related to a particular individual (personal data subject).
The APPLICATION for those who want to study abroad
About this Son reported to the Ministry of education.
It was noted that, at the same time, there is no mechanism for the organization and evaluation of education in distance and extreme forms of education.
Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 3.7 of the Rules of recognition and equivalence (nostrification) of qualifications of foreign States in the field of higher education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers № 64 of 13.05.2003, they received higher education abroad. it is impossible to identify (nostrify) the recognition and equivalence of education documents (diplomas) obtained by individuals in the country.
The Ministry encourages all citizens who want to study abroad to take into account the time they choose to study.
Date of publication: 21.02.2019