Easy visas

"Easy Visa", issued through the system of electronic visas the procedure of registration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan services to Citizens and social Innovations of The State Agency on is carried out. “EASY Visa” through the system within 3 business days provided in electronic vizasında in the country, the period of stay up to 30 days, is $ 20, pay the state duty.
Also "easy visa" system through non-working and public holidays, regardless of the 3 hours until visa processing opportunity has been provided. In this regard, foreign citizens and stateless persons, www.evisa.gov.az website if available, details to accept e-visas may apply.
2018, may 15, starting from the date of introduction of “easier, visas” in the international airports of issuing visas through the electronic system to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the acts of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, interstate or intergovernmental agreements, in cases provided for foreigners and stateless persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the INTERNATIONAL airports.
In the international airports of the Republic of Azerbaijan visas "EASIER, Visas" through the system of submission, as well as visas in connection with payments "EASY payment" through the system of implementation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan services to Citizens and social Innovations of The State Agency for provided.